Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fellowship Of The Authors: Merlin R. Carothers

One of the earliest authors I read as a young Christian was Merlin R. Carothers. I have had his books on praise in my library for 37 years. Whenever I get down in the face, I have returned to his books to remind me how to praise.

It was while reading his book Prison to Praise that I was given to opportunity to put his advice to work. In 1972, my VW van blew its engine on my way to work in Sacramento. I managed to get it towed off the highway to a gas station and call my cousin, Jack, to come pick me up. I was devastated. It was quite serious, as I lived in Marysville, but worked in Sacramento-an hours commute. I was a single mother and financially struggling. I could not afford to lose my job and I did not have the money to repair or replace the car. As I waited for my cousin to come pick me up, I sat on the curb with my head in my hands, crying. It was then that the things Mr. Carothers had written came to my mind. I sat contemplating how I could praise God in this situation. Finally by sure faith, I decided I was going to praise God right then and there not matter how bad the situation seemed. By the time my cousin came, I was at peace. I did not know how, but I knew I was going to be OK.

Miracles started happening almost immediately. My cousin had my van towed to a shop and had the engine replaced at his expense as a gift. When I got to work, a co-worker, who was an Afro-American Christian, Patsy, invited me to stay with her for a few days, while the van was being repaired. I called the babysitter; she volunteered to take my daughter, Shannon, for as long as I needed at no charge!

During my stay at Patsy’s, I had some wonderful spiritual experiences. Her church, Progressive Church of God in Christ, was in the midst of a prayer revival. Every morning at 5 am we would go for prayer for an hour before going to work. Now these saints prayed and worship like no others that I had encountered since I had come to the Lord. This was also my first three-day fast as they were fasting without food or water. I have to admit that this was not a pleasant experience as on the second day I developed a horrendous headache. It was several years later that I discovered that the source of my headache was not from fasting but from caffeine withdrawal.

I credit all these wondrous events as a direct result of applying the principles and examples in set forth in Merlin R. Carothers’ books. I have always enjoyed his fellowship and feel as if I know him personally.

About Merlin Carothers

Merlin Carothers is a Methodist pastor who formed the Foundation of Praise. The work of the Foundation was conducted in the garage of Merlin and Mary’s home in Escondido, California until a new church was completed in 1972. In 1976, another church was established in Escondido, and again the Foundation of Praise worked within the church.

By 1980, requests for free books for prisoners, military personnel and patients had skyrocketed. Letters asking for spiritual help and prayer flooded our mailroom. The Foundation moved to larger offices and attempted to keep up with the increasing number of letters and requests.

Books were stored in warehouses scattered throughout Escondido. This proved to be a disastrous temporary solution. Not only was it difficult to keep an accurate inventory, but also the facilities baked in the heat and leaked water when it rained! Some books were ruined.

Then in 1984, a marvelous thing happened. We were able to build a new building! It was designed so that all our work would be accomplished as quickly and economically as possible. Daily, vehicles back up to our warehouse and load books going to all parts of the United States, and throughout the world.

A primary goal of the Foundation of Praise has been to keep operating costs to an absolute minimum. Many organizations pay thousands of dollars to their presidents or leaders. Not so with the Foundation of Praise. Merlin and Mary receive no salary. They have resisted all tendencies to become a “large organization” with many employees and magnificent buildings. Since seventeen million of Merlin’s books have been distributed, they could have grown in size rather than in ministry. They have chosen to reach needy people to tell them about our Lord and Savior, Jesus. 
 Their small overhead costs permit them to send thousands of free books every month to the darkest corners of the world. Donations are tax deductible.

Merlin Carothers has served his country in Europe, Korea, Vietnam, and the Dominican Republic. Proudly, his life has been devoted to public service in the following areas: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired; 82nd Airborne 1943, WWII, Demolition Expert; Guard for Dwight D. Eisenhower; Graduate Marion College, Marion, IN; Graduate Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, KY; Chaplain U.S. Army 1953-1971; Master Parachutist (90 jumps); Civil Air Patrol Pilot.

Merlin R. Carothers’ Books In My Library

Over 210 weeks as a national bestseller! An inspiring story of a man who found freedom while behind bars, who searched out the fullness of the power of God, met the Holy Spirit, and lived to touch m

any lives. Prison to Praise is not about a prison with bars, but about a prison of circumstances - and how to be set free! Millions of people have found answers they never expected to find and as a result they're eager to pass on the Good News.

A simple clear explanation of how and why the principles introduced in Prison to Praise work in everyday life. Power In Praise brings together some of the miracles wrought by the simple application of Biblical truth: all things work together for good. This message is a simple, clear explanation of how and why the Power of God works in our everyday lives. Learn How The Spiritual Dynamic Of Praise Revolutionizes Lives!

Millions of people have asked the questions: Does praise really work? If so, what can I do to make it work for me? People from all around the world have written clear, practical accounts of how praise helped them receive specific answers to their prayers. Some of the most amazing examples are in this book! Not every prison is made of stone. Some are prisoners of fear, anger & unbelief. Through Jesus, there is a way out.

We live by faith or by fear, and the one we choose makes all the difference in the world. Do you have faith that God works for good in all the circumstances of your life? Do you believe God wants to be intimately involved in your life and help you have victory over your problems? Merlin Carothers shows you how you can overcome your fears and live a life of vibrant faith and praise. He shows how choosing faith over fear can help overcome feelings of inferiority, conquer bitterness and anger, build strong personal relationships, and create a climate for experiencing success in life.

Other Books By Merlin Carothers

Answers to Praise

What's on Your Mind

Bringing Heaven into Hell

Walking and Leaping

More Power to You

Victory on Praise Mountain

The Bible on Praise

You Can Be Happy Now

Let Me Entertain You

Classics from Merlin Carothers

Secret Sins


  1. I am so thankful for Bro.Carother .I saw him when he came to LakeCharles,Louisiana . I believe in his writing or ministry . Sometime I feel like I don't have the faith he have. I have my home I been thanking God for that need to be completed so I can go back home.It been since 2007 people was paid to do the work took the money and was a preacher and still not done.So Pastor Carother pray for me.(

  2. hello dear pastor im from a far away country i badly need your prayers please tell me where can i mail you??please..pray for me im searching for the words of god...

    1. Can I pray for you? Please reach out to me at
      I have been blessed due to Merlin’s books.

  3. please in the name of god can someone help me and tell me how to contact merlin.r.carothers??i want to ask him something..concerning a special prayer..

  4. please pray for me

    1. Can I pray for you? Please reach out to me at

  5. Dear Pastor, after reading your books "prison to praise" and "power of praise" which were helpful for me, I was having one question about to contact you and to ask your help. I thank God for giving me the opportunity of those readings. We need your prayers. I and my wife are christian, catholic, jobless since 2008. We have 3 children in our charge, a debt of more than 50,000$us. Many problems... Pray for us. We want to grow in our faith and to see the hand of God in action in our life. May God bless you

  6. Realy amazing read the book few years ago. I just read it and started to praise God I was`nt even a believer. I just praised no faith involved. But let me trll you something my life has changed for the better Thank you for this book that was a gift given to me. And is a pleasure for me to share this experience and the idea of give someone else one as a gift. It feels good inside doing it. Hoping this little present could change a life for the better. Helping somrone to get close to God. Thank you Mr. Carothers thank You God. Mr Ramon.

  7. My parents introduced me to Merlin Carothers' book Prison to Praise as a teenager. So I was so excited to find out that Merlin was going to be a Bible teacher at the very small college I was planning to attend! Rawhide Vocational College. What a privilege to sit under such world renowned wisdom in such an intimate setting. It just shows how humble a man he was. He had peached to thousands, but took the time to share his wisdom with our small group. I also remember attending Thursday night Praise Meetings in the garage, and then at the big church in Escondido. What wonderful memories. His teachings are still part of my foundation of my life.

  8. Love Foundation of Praise!



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